
Apple’s Mac App Store Tops 100 Million Downloads - louisterew1970

Apple's Macintosh App Store has delivered to a higher degree 100 million downloads since launching in too soon January, the company announced Monday.  The Mack App Store is Apple's online retail outlet for PC applications for Macs running OS X 10.6 C Leopard surgery higher. While topping 100 million downloads is a far cry from the one billion downloads the iOS App Store sees monthly, it proves the Mac App Store is popular with Mac users.

Even though the Macintosh App Store has logged thundering downloads, fractional-party developers don't appear to be racing to get their apps into Apple's software store. Orchard apple tree has so far to announce how umteen programs are disposable in the Mac App Store beyond locution users have "thousands" of apps to choose from. Yet the company has no problem announcing the iOS App Put in's current count of much 500,000 apps.

Only the iOS App Stash awa is the sole author for buying applications for your iPad, iPhone, or iPod, unless you're prepared to break your device. So developers looking to create mobile applications for iOS have olive-sized choice when it comes to distribution channels. The Mac App Store, meanwhile, is just one of several places to download applications for your Mack. You could choose instead to download software now from a company's site, buy a replicate on DVD, or purchase downloads from outlets such as Amazon's Mac store. The advantages the Mac App Store offers over its competitors are automatic installation and upgrade processes suchlike to how iOS apps are managed.

Before the Mac App Store launched thither was some concern the lay in would discharge a "run to the tooshie" mentality among developers. Those looking to make a speedy buck would undercut their competitors' pricing. Or developers would be forced to monetary value their apps in the iOS app price roll of 99 cents to $4.99 to meet expectations from customers accustomed to getting cheap software on their iOS devices.

That business doesn't appear to have materialized, as some apps, such as AutoDesk's AutoCad LT, are priced as high as $900. In comparison, the makers of image redaction computer software Pixelmator announced its $30 app had grossed one million dollars in sales during its first 20 days in the Mac App Store. (The original version of Pixelmator free in 2007 did cost $59.)

Mac App Store Leads the Way

Apple's Mac App Store appears to be a trendsetter, as Microsoft plans to follow its challenger's pass with the Windows Stock in 2012. The Windows Entrepot will countenance Windows 8 users to seamlessly download and install apps for Microsoft's new touch-centrical Metro-manner interface. Traditional desktop apps for Microsoft's new Osmium will continue to be available from third gear-party sources the same way they are today in Windows 7.

You could contend that the Windows Store is more directly inspired by the iOS App Store than its Mac counterpart. While Mac users have the ability to choose download sources other than the Mac App Store, Microsoft says the Windows Store bequeath be the only germ for home users to purchase, download and install Metro-style apps in Windows 8.

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